Senin, 29 April 2013

Tegar !

aku selalu ingin yang terbaik buat orang yang aku sayang terutama keluargaku, namun... jika aku gagal artinya aku mengecawakan mereka.
terjatuh dan slalu berawal dgn jatuh, dan kegagalan. menempuh hidup yang terjal ini, menggapai cita2 dan keinginan di dunia yang fana ini. aku takut jika aku gagal, aku takut jika aku mengecewakan mereka ??? mereka menaruh harapan yang besar padaku ... tuhan..... tolong bantu aku dalam menjalani kerasnya kehidupan ini. tuntun aku tuk selalu berada dijalanmu, berikan aku kesabaran dan tunjukan jalan yang terbaik yang harus aku jalani,, ku percaya kau selalu mendengar doa dan harapanku. :)

Senin, 25 Februari 2013

thry puthry ngadiman: thry puthry ngadiman: You and Me

thry puthry ngadiman: thry puthry ngadiman: You and Me: thry puthry ngadiman: You and Me : when the mouth is not able to talk that to be honest , but the heart can not lie . honesty is so ...

thry puthry ngadiman: You and Me

thry puthry ngadiman: You and Me: when the mouth is not able to talk that to be honest , but the heart can not lie . honesty is so hard to come by , but faith ca...

You and Me

when the mouth is not able to talk that to be honest, but the heart can not lie.
honesty is so hard to come by, but faith can defeat it.
believe in a god that all truth will be seen and witnessed by all of us who are on this planet.
so that they know exactly what you are.
I will not sue you to feel guilty, but .... Your heart will sue you for telling the truth.
Now you may think you're the greatest, you are right but .. God is not sleeping, he knows what you did.

Kamis, 21 Februari 2013